Small and Simple

Photo of Sebastián La Rosa

When first presented with the idea of a year of service, I was skeptical. Life, as I knew it, had changed in ways I had not foreseen. Consequently, I was anxious about where I was heading in life and returning home to my family and a familiar environment seemed like the most reasonable solution to a problem arising from unfamiliarity. My friend who floated the idea of a year of service encouraged me to think about her proposition. As I thought about this, and consulted my trusted friends and mentors, it became apparent that the more I brought up this out-of-left field idea, the more my mentors encouraged me to consider it. After some time, I decided that this would be the next best thing for me to do. The next thing I knew, August 3rd was upon me, and I was on a plane on my way to Syracuse, my new home for the next 11 months.

My transition to our cozy home in Syracuse was not particularly easy. I quickly realized that the challenges of learning one’s place in a new environment and community had deteriorated my expectations going into this experience. Thankfully, the disappointment that resulted forced me to take stock of where I was, provided the space necessary to engage in self-reflection and opened the door to begin cultivating joy—joy in the small and the simple.

It began as a sip of coffee on a fall afternoon. I had recently gotten off work and figured I would stop by the local mall and grab a sweet treat. As I drank my latte, a small smile crept on me. A smile that resulted from how something so small and insignificant became one of the highlights of that day. As I pondered my previous experience, I considered reflecting upon other moments that were far from extraordinary yet held large value. Whether that be observing a seaplane take off from a lake, a contagious laugh, a stroll through the neighborhood, a kind smile, or a cleansing sneeze, the more I took note of all that was small and simple, joy, like moss, slowly began to creep into most parts of my life.

The simplicity of certain moments and the joy derived from their littleness improved my experience as time went on. Additionally, it empowered me to transform how I saw my experience and gave me the confidence I needed to do challenging things within my community and at my job site. Furthermore, It greatly improved my intentionality with my relationships within my community and with those I am in contact with. Ultimately, I would like to think it has set me on a trajectory for a year that is rooted in peace and abundant in joy. A joy that isn’t merely boisterous and extraordinary, but rather, a profound joy found in simple moments and small encounters.

Categories: General

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