General Archives - FrancisCorps

Finding the Extraordinary within the Ordinary

Throughout my daily life here in Syracuse, I have found myself getting quite stuck in routine. Waking up, getting to work, going home, having dinner with the community etc… And for a while, it was quite challenging. When I imagined what my life would look like during my time here at FrancisCorps this past summer,…

Growing Through It

As a FrancisCorps volunteer, each day looks very different for me. As much as I love my days to be routined and maybe even a little monotonous, I enjoy the diversion that comes with living in community and serving at an ever-changing service site. Each morning, I wake up and pray the Surrender Novena in…

Slowing Down

I first found out about FrancisCorps at the Year of Service Fair at my school. I was immediately drawn to the purple and pink colors of the booth and admittedly, the cute stickers Jenny Rose was handing out. I put the sticker of Saint Francis and Saint Clare on my computer and spent the next…

Small and Simple

When first presented with the idea of a year of service, I was skeptical. Life, as I knew it, had changed in ways I had not foreseen. Consequently, I was anxious about where I was heading in life and returning home to my family and a familiar environment seemed like the most reasonable solution to…

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