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Best Year of My Life

My year with FrancisCorps was, to date, the best year of my life. Over eleven months, I made soul-deep friendships that will last a lifetime. Those friendships were able to grow so firm because we were all united in our love for God. Yes, we traveled, cooked, laughed, and lived our life together to the…

Surrender to God

A fulfilling insight that I have from this year is that to experience joy and peace in life, I must surrender many decisions to God. Upon entering the service year, I was not comfortable with making decisions that affected clients and coworkers, and I concentrated on this insecurity to a paralyzing degree. However, God spoke…

To Live the Gospel

I am changed. I am changed in so many ways that I am still reflecting on how I have been changed. Committing to FrancisCorps is the biggest yes I have ever given to God, and I am still in awe that He called me to experience such an amazing adventure. In just my short time…

An Ode to FrancisCorps

I honestly feel like a different person than I was 10 months ago. I have been changed by the people I serve, by my coworkers, by my community; I have been changed by God made present today. There are so many gifts that have flowed from this experience, too many to drop in this reflection,…

Love of God

Before FrancisCorps I never thought that I would be a headteacher for middle schoolers. Along the way, I have discovered some personal and professional insights. First, I love working with people, whether one-on-one or in groups and the profession I have chosen (social work) is a good fit for me. Similarly, I have found that…

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