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While working in the Assumption Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen, I give a lot. I cannot count the number of canned goods and pounds of food that have passed though my hands on its way to clients’ bellies. But in all my giving, I also receive. These gifts take many forms—opportunities to build confidence, spiritual…
I can truly say that my FrancisCorps year has been the best year of my life! I grew in so many different areas in ways that were both expected and unexpected. To begin on a more personal note, I became so much more aware of my emotions. I was much more in tune with my…
There is no set schedule to my day. Some days I walk in and am immediately bombarded by 3-5 clients demanding my attention and assistance. Other days nobody notices me as I scurry off to the office, desperate to finish administrative work that otherwise would never get done. Now that I have been given clients…
My days are all different, but it’s consistently the same kind of crazy. My schedule ranges from having office duties, conducting school starts, taking families to all kinds of appointments, and running a New Girls’ program in the evenings. Along the way, an emergency may arise in which a student needs to be picked up…
I usually begin my day by waking up at 8:30am, do prayer and journal. At 9:20ish, I meet my community mates Janet and Miriam at the dining table where I usually try to eat a quick breakfast and have tea. At around 9:45, we all carpool towards Northside CYO. The morning drives are usually filled…