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God’s Greatest Gift

The goal had always been to attend medical school immediately following graduation, yet as the years of undergraduate education were coming to an end, I felt called to something different. I knew I wasn’t ready to dive into four more years of schooling and felt as if God was nudging me toward an experience that…

“Go with God”

FrancisCorps began as just another application to just another program on just another winter’s day. When I was accepted into the program and arrived on August 7th, that swiftly changed. What was an exciting idea quickly became tangible and oh so invigorating. I arrived at the FrancisCorps house, chose the best room, moved all my…


My FrancicCorps journey began with my mom bribing me as a child with M&Ms to attend Mass. If it was not for my mother’s quiet, resilient faith (or my love for M&Ms), I would not know Jesus the way I do or have found FrancisCorps. My mom planted a mustard seed of faith in me…

Hands of God

A service year was not in my post-graduation plan, and approaching graduation, I had no idea what I would do during my gap year between undergrad and law school. I discerned whether I should get a job at a law firm or a newspaper, and build up my resume, or possibly become a FOCUS missionary.…

Personal and Spiritual Growth

My FrancisCorps journey began early this year. I entered my last semester of college with the thought that I wanted to get a job as a forensic chemist or toxicologist. I had my list of priorities, and that career path satisfied most of them; I was looking for a stable career field with jobs near…

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