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Hands of God

A service year was not in my post-graduation plan, and approaching graduation, I had no idea what I would do during my gap year between undergrad and law school. I discerned whether I should get a job at a law firm or a newspaper, and build up my resume, or possibly become a FOCUS missionary.…

Personal and Spiritual Growth

My FrancisCorps journey began early this year. I entered my last semester of college with the thought that I wanted to get a job as a forensic chemist or toxicologist. I had my list of priorities, and that career path satisfied most of them; I was looking for a stable career field with jobs near…

Authentic Community

At first, I wasn’t committed to the thought of doing a service year. Initially, I thought I was going to crush my senior year of college like a rockstar and get a stellar teaching job (I’m a English Education major). However, the pandemic, finishing college, and student teaching left me weary from education (even though…

Conversations About My Future

So this is it. The point in the year when it feels like a ticking clock is hanging in the air, just counting down to my last days in Syracuse, my last days as a FrancisCorps volunteer. How has it gone so quickly?  I feel so overwhelmed thinking back on the year, how much has…

The Path Forward

Where are you being called to go from here? Reflecting on this, I focus more and more on the ‘from here’ aspect. Long before I knew what FrancisCorps or even a year of service meant, I knew that I was being called to law school and that part of that calling was a gap year between college…

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