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Living in community has absolutely been the most fulfilling and educating experience for me this year. As someone who is typically introverted, even antisocial, the ease of relationships with my fellow FrancisCorps members has been a great insight in my personal life. Living with others while developing close friendships with them has often been difficult in my previous…
As 16Personalities says, my ESFJ personality is “attentive” and “people-focused”, especially in “taking part in their social community”. I love being around people – exploring places and doing things and attending weekend events. But this doesn’t necessarily lend itself well when you’re in the middle of a global phenomenon. Since graduating and moving to a…
Witnessing homelessness eight hours a day, five days a week, inside a shelter, looks very different than 30 seconds at a street corner. I think when most people hear the word homeless, several assumptions come to mind. Perhaps they imagine a person who is dirty, poor, unstable, and maybe even lazy, crazy, and scary. All…
My day begins at 8 am when I leave to carpool to work with my housemate Katie. We listen to news broadcasts and navigate downtown construction zones as she drops me off at 8:15 at Emergency Services in the heart of downtown before heading to her job. Early morning at my work is one of my favorite times- I’m…
Most days at work I jokingly say, “I wear so many hats— I should invest in a hat rack.” The job description for Francis House couldn’t begin to encapsulate my range of jobs. I was fortunate enough to be trained as a caregiver almost immediately after starting. My days as a caregiver are some of…