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All In One

By now, we’ve gotten into a pretty good weekly routine. Generally, I’ll wake up and take a quick shower at 8am (throwback to college when I vowed to never take an 8am ever again). If I want to work out in the morning, I’ll be up at 7:30 doing that, but otherwise I’ll just workout…

Highs & Lows

A day in the life of a FrancisCorps volunteer involves a lot of what you would expect: work at your service site and a vibrant community life. In actuality, it is so much more. Every service site is different; I work with the Youth Program at Northside CYO, a refugee resettlement center. My days begin…

A Day in the Life

I have come to love the routine of my days here in Syracuse. I am an early bird. I love waking up to the quiet of the volunteer house, taking time to head downstairs and make coffee. Getting ready for the day. Drinking my coffee and doing my morning prayers. It is a peaceful moment…

Finding Balance

The gentle piano music of my alarm calls me into consciousness at 7:15. I slide out of bed and into the clothes I picked out the night before. Grabbing my journal, morning prayer book, and pen, I find my familiar seat on the balcony. I give my senses a moment to awaken as I watch…

To Encourage and To Challenge

I was passionate about doing a year of service because I wanted to take time to reflect and grow spiritually and emotionally before beginning my graduate education and law career. I also felt strongly that at this point in my life I was called to work at the nonprofit level and prioritize learning and working within public interest law as much as I could while…

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