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Where Will It Take Me?

In my last quarter in college, the Newman Center at UCSD had just updated their website to include a few post-college service opportunities. One day I happened to see these programs and that’s when I first learned about FrancisCorps. Up until this point, I was unsure what my post-college plans were but when I learned…

The “We” Mentality

My FrancisCorps journey begins at the start of the winter semester of my junior year of college. One of my really good friends got together a group of students from St. Mary’s, our Newman community at the University of Michigan, to attend the SEEK 2021 conference, which was held online that year due to COVID.…

The Greatest Gift in Life

How to reflect on and fully grasp a year that was full of so many small moments that led to such a large change in my perspective as a child of God. Whether it’s a moment where I am looking into a resident’s eyes feeling our humanity intertwined, crying with laughter at the dinner table,…

Best Year of My Life

My year with FrancisCorps was, to date, the best year of my life. Over eleven months, I made soul-deep friendships that will last a lifetime. Those friendships were able to grow so firm because we were all united in our love for God. Yes, we traveled, cooked, laughed, and lived our life together to the…

Surrender to God

A fulfilling insight that I have from this year is that to experience joy and peace in life, I must surrender many decisions to God. Upon entering the service year, I was not comfortable with making decisions that affected clients and coworkers, and I concentrated on this insecurity to a paralyzing degree. However, God spoke…

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