Equips the Call

Photo of Matthew Tate

As I reflect on my FrancisCorps experience, I am met with an unshakeable peace. A peace that I haven’t known for some time. Yet, on my first day when I arrived in Syracuse for move-in, I felt anything, but peace.

A new city, a new responsibility at the Catholic Charities Men’s Shelter, and brand new roommates filled my spirit with trepidation. Was I going to fit in here? What would my service site be like? Would I be ready for the challenges that await me?

It turns out, I was not ready for anything. Not ready for the love, pain, excitement, anxiety, sadness, and joy that this year has brought me. Not nearly prepared enough for my role at the men’s shelter to provide for the client’s needs, whether they be physical like food and clothing, but also intangible needs such as being present with them in their mental health struggles, overdoses from substance use, or just to recognize their human dignity in conversation. Over time, I surprisingly learned to find immense joy in volunteering at the shelter, if only for the reason that it is God’s work for all of us.

I wasn’t ready to meet my community members: Chloe, Haley, Savannah, Cristo, Jess, and Nguyen are some of the most dedicated, talented, and fun-loving people I have ever met. Though community was not always easy, a life of service, prayer, and a healthy dose of Franciscan foolishness united us this year in a way that will continue to shape and form me for years to come. I know these men and women will be lifelong friends, but for the only reason that we all said “yes” to inviting God into our FrancisCorps 25 experience.

I’m not very good at goodbyes. As I am writing this on Monday, July 1st at 9:30am, four of the seven volunteers have already departed for their next chapters of life, and it moves my heart to tears knowing how important the moments we shared here were. Fortunately, this is not “goodbye” from Syracuse for me.

I accepted a full-time job with Catholic Charities as an employment specialist to work with recently housed clients with their professional development needs, including resume building, job searching, and interview prep. I will move in very shortly to a new apartment in Syracuse and will be living with my fellow volunteer from this year, Cristo, as he begins a new journey in law school. There are still many challenges and adventures that await me in Syracuse, some of which I will not be ready for, yet if I know anything about St. Francis and St. Clare from this year, it is that no one is ready for God’s plan. You just jump in and God will take care of the rest. If you look to the Father in times when you do not feel peace or joy, or if you feel anxious and scared, He can do all things. For He doesn’t call the equipped, but He equips the called.

Categories: General

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