Growing Through It

Photo of Ali Tregle

As a FrancisCorps volunteer, each day looks very different for me. As much as I love my days to be routined and maybe even a little monotonous, I enjoy the diversion that comes with living in community and serving at an ever-changing service site. Each morning, I wake up and pray the Surrender Novena in an effort to prepare myself for the unknown and unexpected that a new day brings.

As uneasy as it may feel to allow the unknown to lead, each day at Joseph’s House, I find a beautiful moment that is unique to that day. Sometimes it is as simple as exchanging “Good morning!” with someone, sometimes it is having an impromptu, joy-filled conversation in the kitchen with a group of moms, sometimes it is holding a newborn baby that we’ve all been anxiously awaiting, and sometimes it may even be a heart-wrenching conversation with a mom telling me all about the struggles she’s facing. These are the moments that affirm my calling to be here.

While introverted by nature, I value the challenge of cultivating interpersonal skills and experiencing the beauty and love of each person I encounter. Daily, I have to muster up the strength to overthrow my ingrained diffidence to sustain persistent growth. My community is playing a huge role in getting me out of my shell and challenging me to experience life in a different way. After a long day of social interaction, it is consistent with my temperament to go in my room and not interact with anyone for the rest of the day, but the liveliness of my community energizes me to participate in community obligations with contentment and joy. I am grateful for the endless opportunities for growth given to me by my community and service site.

Categories: General

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