Volunteer Stories

Slowing Down

I first found out about FrancisCorps at the Year of Service Fair at my school. I was immediately drawn to the purple and pink colors of the booth and admittedly, the cute stickers Jenny Rose was handing out. I put the sticker of Saint Francis and Saint Clare on my computer and spent the next…

Small and Simple

When first presented with the idea of a year of service, I was skeptical. Life, as I knew it, had changed in ways I had not foreseen. Consequently, I was anxious about where I was heading in life and returning home to my family and a familiar environment seemed like the most reasonable solution to…

Rediscovering Life’s Beauty

My life hit the brakes on August 3rd—in the best way possible. After a difficult past few months in Louisiana, where it felt like life was collapsing on top of me, I pushed through because I had something to look forward to: a light at the end of the tunnel. When I arrived at the…

Learning to Move Slowly with God

When I was navigating post-grad life during my senior year of college I remember feeling so overwhelmed. Should I go to grad school? Should I get a job? Should I move back home? Should I move in with my friends from college? Should I do this year of service thing? These were just a few…

A Hopeful Lens & An Open Heart

My FrancisCorps experience began with a late night exploration on the Catholic Volunteer Network. As I searched for the best service program for me, I came upon the vibrant orange sun and a website filled with lots of authentic smiles and words of faith that spoke to the calling in my heart. I instantly felt…

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