Trusting the Journey

Photo of Chloe Alviz

It’s crazy to think about how far I’ve come since my first day at FrancisCorps. Even though it hasn’t hit the one-year anniversary of my move-in day, it truly feels like multiple lifetimes ago since I started this program.

Like many freshly arrived volunteers, I went through a ton of adjustments during my first few weeks of FrancisCorps. I was struck with homesickness and struggled with anxiety about how I would mesh into my community. I quickly learned the unpredictability of the work at my service site as well as the complexity of social services in Syracuse. It was also made known to me on the first day that I’d drive a large 12-passenger van—which was a major jump from the compact cars that I’ve exclusively driven! I knew that I had to be patient and trust that God would guide me through this transition. He would ultimately take me on this fulfilling adventure to teach me how I am gifted, loved, and capable of growing amidst challenges.

Throughout the year, I’ve been able to find immense joy and life-long friendships in my community. I’ve gotten to know my community members more intimately and delight in their gifts. There are so many moments that I will cherish—such as taking embarrassing candid photos of each other, yapping about random topics until the wee hours of the morning, dying of laughter at silly, out-of-pocket quips (shout out to our 30-page quote book!) and embarking on fun adventures around and outside of Syracuse. The community has also been there for me during the difficult seasons. Earlier this year, when a beloved close friend of mine passed away, I received unwavering love from my community as they walked with me in grieving and celebrating his life. Their support helped me find peace and hope during this season of grief.

In addition to finding joy in the community, I’ve also found a lot of growth at my service site. The Emergency Services staff truly adopted me as a member of their family and I could not ask for a better group of mentors. I grew close with many of the regular guests at our offices, and it was a privilege to hear their stories and support them on their journey to stability. The hectic days at service have also shown me that I can adapt and find solutions quickly on my feet. I have truly seen God in every staff member and client that I have worked with, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share God’s love with them as well.

I am sad that I will have to say goodbye to my beloved FC25 community, to the FrancisCorps staff, and of course, to the beloved yellow house that I called home for a year. At the same time, I am eternally thankful for this year that has transformed me into a better worker, friend, and daughter of Christ. And as someone who grew up with the sunny, big city hustle of L.A., I wasn’t too fond of Syracuse at first, but I will now definitely miss the city and its unique charm!

As for my plans after FrancisCorps, I will return home to Southern California to work as a job coach for adults with disabilities and to continue my exploration of graduate school programs. Although I will undergo yet another major transition into this new chapter, I know that my time in FrancisCorps has prepared me for what’s next.

Categories: General

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